Adding a Guest User

On this page, you will find information about adding guest accounts for OWL Brightspace. Keep in mind that the process is different from OWL Sakai. For example, unlike OWL Sakai, OWL Brightspace does not allow instructors to add guests (non-Western users) to courses for security purposes. Please read the information below about guest accounts and determine whether this is something necessary for your course(s). 

Please note that the new process for a guest to get access to OWL Brightspace as an “Associated Person” could take two weeks or longer. Allow more time for visiting Foreign Nationals. Learn more at: Associated Persons - Human Resources - Western University (

Do you need to set up an Associated Person for your course?

A Western Identity may not be required for a guest to participate in a Teams or Zoom meeting. Please refer to the WTS website for more information on authentication options for these resources.

If you need to add an individual to your OWL Brightspace course, please read below for instructions on how to initiate an Associated Person request for a guest lecturer or student.

Setting up an Associated Person 

What is the process for registering a Guest’s appointment as an Associated Person? 

1. Visit How can I request registration of a new Associated Person.
2. For the Associated Person type - choose Guest Lecturer (invited to the University to give a series of lectures) or OWL Guest (require temporary, limited access to OWL Brightspace e.g., subject matter expert invited by faculty). 3. Your Department's Human Resources contact will coordinate with the Guest and initiate an appointment as an Associated Person.
4. After registration is complete, the Guest will be notified by email how to Activate their Western Identity.
5. The Guest will activate their Western Identity and enroll in MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication). When done, the Guest will provide their Western User ID to the course instructor

What is the process for adding the Guest to an OWL Brightspace Course once Associated Person registration is complete? 
The course instructor is responsible for adding the Guest User’s ID to their course and for ensuring a Guest is assigned an appropriate role in the course. When possible, restrict access to confidential student information per university privacy policies and procedures.

Instructions for enrolling a
guest in your OWL Brightspace course with an appropriate role are here.

How do I remove a Guest User’s access to my course? 
As Course Instructor, it is your responsibility to remove the Guest User from the course when their participation is no longer required. Instructions for removing a Guest from your OWL Brightspace course are here.

Published on  and maintained in Cascade.